487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
20-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

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Postings of Specific Interest

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487th Blue Book - by Leo Burbridge
Can be found by clicking here
This is a "Yearbook" looking book published post war from photos that were almost lost
Additionally, clicking here gives you a way to download the entire book

Hitler's Last Christmas - by Don Kilburg Jr.
Can be found by clicking here
This and other books about the 487th Bomb Group can be found by clicking here

487th Web Site SEARCH

487th Tail Welcome to the home page of the 487th Bombardment Group (Heavy) of the 8th Air Force, United States Army Air Forces.

When Adolph Hitler began his conquest of Europe in 1939, he began to turn that continent into "Festung Europa"...Fortress Europe. The lone hold-out against the Third Reich was the island nation of Great Britain. In the summer of 1940, the Royal Air Force defeated the Luftwaffe in "The Battle of Britain" and Britain survived to become the launching point for the Allied war against the Nazis. Until sufficient forces could be built up to attack Fortress Europe's walls, the Allies took to the war on wings, for Hitler had built a fortress without a roof.

Early in 1942, the American 8th Air Force began arriving in England to help the British with strategic bombing of Nazi manufacturing, transportation and military targets. The RAF bombed by night, the 8th by day. Thus began one of the greatest conflicts of human history...the air war over Europe.

The Eighth Air Force faced a formidable opponent - the Luftwaffe, with outstanding equipment and training, and more importantly, they were battle-tested. By the end of the war, the air battles that involved thousands of bombers and fighters, claimed over 26,000 American lives. This accounted for 10% of all American deaths during the war. 18,000 airmen were wounded and over 28,000 were shot down and captured.

Gentlemen From Hell One of the many groups of the Eighth Air Force sent to England to participate in this enormous struggle was the 487th Bombardment Group (Heavy), which was based at Army Air Forces Station 137 near the village of Lavenham, England in 1944–1945. This page is dedicated to the airmen and ground crews of that group, and to all who served.

Messages for 487th Association members

2017 Denver, CO Reunion
See photos!
487th BG (H) Photo Gallery
This changes frequently! Check back often!
Books of the 487th Bomb Group (H)
by various authors

Enjoy your visit and check our facebook© group (Many folks post items of 487th interest here)

www.487thbg.org established: 19-May-2005
This web site is descended from 487th web sites developed by Tim Erskine and Lee Hauenstein
Your comments are appreciated, please send them to Lee (LCH_NH@Comcast.net)
Copyright © 2020 - 487th Bomb Group (H) Association

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