487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

487th Featured Items

1st Lt George E. Emmett - 839th Squadron This story was compiled by Lt. Emmett's daughter-in-law Veda Emmett. Veda is graciously sharing it with all of us.
Lt. Colonel Beirne Lay This is a link to an article of Air & Space by the Smithsonian. Lt. Col Lay served as the commander of the 487th Bomb Group (H) when it deployed to England. After the war he went on to co-author Twelve Oè¾°lock High with Sy Bartlett. It later became a well known movie and inspired a popular television series.
Bernard "Barney" Nolan This is a link to an interview with Barney Nolan, who served with the 487th Bomb Group (H) from it's earliest days.
William Henry Hughey Video with comments by Henry Hughey (look for Henry & Jean beginning around 6:00 into the video)
Junior Gossell Video with comments by Junior Gossell at an airshow with the B-17, "909"
Cambridge American Cemetary, England Video with comments by John Pawsey at Cambridge American Cemetary
CO's Bungalow at Station 137 Video of talk by Dennis Duffy and John Cashmore at the commanding officer's bungalow at Station 137
487th Tower Log See the pages of the 487th operations tower log, recorded during the operation of the 487th Bomb Group (H).
487th Bomb Group Aircraft markings Ivo de Jong wrote this comprehensive summary of the various aircraft markings used by the 487th Bomb Group
487th Bomb Group Insignia Ivo de Jong and Paul Webber wrote this summary of information about the 487th Bomb Group insignia. Several logos were used during the war, but none was official. This is worth reading to understand the story.
Photo History of the 487th Bomb Group (H) The book is still available! You can find out how to order a copy by clicking here.

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