487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45
Honor Roll of POWs of the 487th Bomb Group
From available records this is a list of crewmembers of the
487th Bomb Group who were POWs during the war.
Note: This list may not be complete. If you know of others who should be included, or some
who are listed incorrectly, please email any corrections to Lee at LCH_NH@Comcast.net
Name | Rank | Position | Aircraft | Squadron | Notes |
| | | |
Adams, Clyde D | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany POW 30-Sep-44 at Trusen |
Alcar, Max E | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, Aircraft abandoned due to battle damage, POW, book and Natl Archives had name as Alkire |
Alich, William M | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | Bashful Marion | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, POW 15-Jun-44 at Chartres sur Cher |
Allen, Thomas J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Althouse, Richard L | 1st Lt | Pilot | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-1945, flak hit, bailed out, POW. Note, when I spoke with Dick ('98) he mentioned they'd survived the first 4 flak hits ok, but the 5th did them in. He said he 'merely' walked out the front of the plane because the nose was gone |
Anchondo, William A | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 42-98013 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, Shot down, POW |
Atkinson, John P | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, flak, survived, wife Colleen, address seems no good |
Babcock, William F | S/Sgt | Radio Mechanic | Classy Chassy | 838 | |
Bachman, Harold J | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. |
Bailey, Frank D | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, hit by flak, crashed, POW |
Baldwin, Robert L | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Bauchens, William J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Becker, Clarence R | Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW |
Beeson, John D | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 44-8276 | 837 | 18-Mar-45, shot down, wounded, POW - Address in Blue book is Box 185, Losantville, IN |
Bellow, Irving | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 44-8547 | 836 | 8-Apr-45, shot down POW, Milner crew |
Blanchard, Willard J | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW |
Boland, Donald E | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned, also listed on plaque at 8th museum as part of Lang crew, shot down 24-Dec-44, Lang crew |
Bovier, Russell E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. |
Breiling, Robert C | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44 hit by flak abandoned by crew. Died of wounds 10-Feb-45 |
Bressler, William R | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-1945, flak hit, bailed out, POW |
Brill, Murray A | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Brink, Douglas C | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44 POW |
Brodsky, Edward J | Captain | Pilot | Blow Job | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44 |
Brooks, James E | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, Aircraft abandoned due to battle damage, POW |
Brown, Charles A | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Brownstein, Robert I | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW. National Archives shows this serial # belongs to John J Kahman |
Bullion, Bobby J | S/Sgt | Waist Gunner | 44-8547 | 836 | 8-Apr-45 shot down, POW |
Burckes, Ralph S | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Starduster | 837 | Shot down 28-May-44, POW flying Starduster |
Burrow, Robert G | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-44, crew bailed out on return, POW |
Cameron, Wallace O | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-39108 | 839 | 3-Mar-45, shot down by Me-262, POW |
Carey, Dennis E | 1st Lt | Navigator | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Carpenter, Donald W | Sgt | Gunner-Nose | Starduster | 837 | 28-May-44, crew abandoned aircraft POW flying Starduster, captured 22-Jul-44 in Liege in civilian clothes |
Cathcart, Charles J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Chase, Herbert F | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Child, Richard P | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Clare, Charles H | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-39108 | 839 | 3-Mar-45, shot down by Me-262, POW, Added H (mid init) as National Archive/POW records had this |
Clark, Thomas M | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 42-98013 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW, captured 20-Jan-45 at 0700h at Penkefitz, District Dannenberg |
Claussen, John W | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned |
Claxton, John D | Sgt | Flight Engineer | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW |
Constantino, Saverio T | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW |
Conway, Richard F | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW |
Coon, Aaron C | T/Sgt | Togglier | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-45, flak hit, bailed out, POW, also listed as tail gunner |
Copelin, Robert L | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 44-8746 | 837 | 15-Mar-45, shot down, POW |
Couchran, Douglas D | 2nd Lt | Navigator | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-45, flak hit, bailed out, POW |
Crandell, Loren W | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 42-98013 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Crawford, Francis P | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Crooker, Robert J | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Moldy Fig (The) | 838 | 5-Aug-44, survived,POW. Was severely mistreated by German civilians. direct flak hit on right wing and in bomb bay 1 to 2 minutes before bombing. Part of wing came off and aircraft exploded, all in a matter of seconds. Crashed at Lostau, 13 km SSW of Burg near Magdeburg. |
Crotty, John H | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW, Stemple crew |
Crow, William T | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived, previously was F/O T-129791 |
Cummins, Fred E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. |
Davidson, Burr E | 2nd Lt | Pilot | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, shot down - POW. The B-17 fell back just before the target, doors open but it is not believed that the bombs were dropped. A fire in the bomb bay was seen. German reports, attached to the MACR, say the aircraft went down in Holland and the prisoners were collected on Gutersloh Airfield, Germany; the POW's came from the Krefeld area. |
Davis, Leonard C | 2nd Lt | Navigator | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. Captured 29-Sep-44 when crossing Mosel at Bullay 16 km south of Cochem/Mosel. They had progressed 40 km in 7 days. |
De Mure, Roy R | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW |
Detwiler, Henry | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Deuschle, Charlton A | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Moldy Fig (The) | 838 | 5-Aug-44, Shot down, survived POW, direct flak hit on right wing and in bomb bay 1 to 2 minutes before bombing. Part of wing came off and aircraft exploded, all in a matter of seconds. Crashed at Lostau, 13 km SSW of Burg near Magdeburg. |
Dillard, Frank D | 1st Lt | Co-Pilot | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned |
Dippo, Ramon W | F/O | Mickey Operator | 44-8746 | 837 | 15-Mar-45 shot down, POW |
Dodd, Ivan L | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-39108 | 839 | 3-Mar-45, shot down by Me-262, POW |
Domitrovich, George | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out on return, POW. Got this email from Ivo's contact list, I'm guessing it is this George Domitrovich |
Doran, Harry L | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 42-52609 | 836 | 2-Jun-44, shot down, POW |
Dory, Joseph W | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW |
Drake, Virgil V | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Duncan, Joseph A | 1st Lt | Pilot | 43-37980 | 839 | 25-Aug-44, POW received direct flak hit over target and immediately exploded in mid-air after bombs away. Crashed just north of target in Muritz Lake near Boek |
Dunham, William F | 2nd Lt | Navigator | Starduster | 837 | 28-May-44, abandoned aircraft, POW |
DuPre, David J | 2nd Lt | Mickey operator | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Dyer, Emile J | Sgt | Gunner-Top Turret | Foxy Phoebe | 837 | 28-May-44, crew abandoned aircraft POW, Also Shot down 24-Dec-1944, but don't record where this information was obtained. National Archives shows this Serial # belongs to Emile J. Abadie Jr. |
Edwards, Arnold F | S/Sgt | Spot Jammer | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Elam, Paul J | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-38596 | 837 | 20-Feb-45, shot down, bailed out, POW |
Emerson, Thomas R | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived |
Enders, Leroy | Sgt | Gunner-Nose | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW, National Archives shows this serial # belongs to Roscoe P Morris |
Endres, Eugene J | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW |
Eugene, Thomas J | T/Sgt | Gunner-Top Turret | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | Shot down 10-Apr-1945, POW |
Evans, George D | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. |
Felker, Charles W | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived |
Fitzhugh, Elda M | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Fitzsimmons, William H | F/O | Bombardier/Navigator | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-1945 shot down by Me-262 MIA, moved to navigator after Carr left crew |
Flannery, Coy L | Sgt | Flight Engineer | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Floyd, Thomas M | F/O | Navigator | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW |
Franke, John H | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Liberty Belle | 836 | 30-Sep-44, shot down, POW |
Fugere, Thomas J | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-45, flak hit, bailed out, POW |
Garrison, Norman B | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-1945, flak hit, bailed out, POW |
George, Gust T | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW, hospitalized |
Giannini, John S | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Glover, Cecile O | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW |
Goss, Merle G | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-45, shot down POW - WWII Address 1660 N.Bell Avenue, Chicago, IL |
Grabhorn, Edgar A | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 42-52577 | 838 | 29-May-44, Aircraft exploded in mid-air, crashed in Baltic Sea off Bornholm Island. Picked up by German steamer 'Oskar Freidrich' at 1815h floating in life raft. Transferred to hospital near Konigsberg due to fractured lower leg.
Earlier served on The Consolidated Mess |
Green, Claude B | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-39108 | 839 | 3-Mar-45, shot down by Me-262, POW |
Greer, George H | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 42-52609 | 836 | 2-Jul-44, shot down, POW |
Gross, Billy D | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Box Car | 839 | 7-Jun-44, shot down, POW, Schwab crew |
Gruwell, Richard R | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Gustine, Harold R | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | Shot down 10-Apr-1945, POW |
Gutschow, Richard G | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived |
Hackbarth, Leslie G | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW, MACR 9492 |
Hartman, Edward A | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Hatfield, Jay J | 1st Lt | Pilot | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW |
Hauck, Benjamin | F/O | Co-Pilot | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Heimerman, Lawrence A | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, POW |
Heintz, Daniel J | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Henry, Charles L | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Starduster | 837 | 28-May-44, crew abandoned aircraft POW flying Starduster |
Herrera, Sam | S/Sgt | Gunner-Nose | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Herring, Joseph I | 2nd Lt | Pilot | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, POW, Direct flak hit, no 3 engine enveloped in flames and fire in nose at about 10,000 ft. Went down seemingly out of control vertically and blew up. Crashed 500 m NW of Illingen, 10 km NW of Neunkirchen/Saar, Germany. Most of crew were blown out in explosion. |
Hildebrand, Durston M | 1st Lt | Navigator | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Hodge, Francis G | Captain | Bombardier | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, POW wounded by flak in leg, eye and arm. Sent to hospital at Paris-Chichy. |
Hubbard, George D | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. Captured 29-Sep-44 when crossing Mosel at Bullay 16 km south of Cochem/Mosel. They had progressed 40 km in 7 days. |
Huber, Charles C | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. Captured 29-Sep-44 when crossing Mosel at Bullay 16 km south of Cochem/Mosel. They had progressed 40 km in 7 days. |
Hudson, Lincoln | S/Sgt | Mechanic | Mean Widdle Kid | 839 | 10-Apr-1945, flak hit, bailed out, POW. He's listed as 'passenger' on MACR, MOS 678 |
Hyatt, Gilbert E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-38596 | 837 | 20-Feb-45, POW, hit by flak, bailed out |
Hyland, James | 1st Lt | Navigator | 43-37877 | 836 | 30-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Irving, Brice L | 1st Lt | Mickey Operator | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Iverson, Marvin A | 1st Lt | Bombardier | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned |
Jackson, John A | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-8547 | 836 | 8-Apr-45, shot down, POW |
Jamison, Charles D | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW |
Jeziorski, John S | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned |
Johnson, Lee G | 1st Lt | Navigator | Blow Job | 838 | 11-May-44, MACR 4783 |
Johnson, Warren G | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Fime Sientz | 837 | 22-Sep-44, POW. Aircraft was hit by flak near Wiesbaden at 22,000 ft. Pilot attempted to return to Allied lines. No 4 engine was lost, no 3 partially, but when a fire developed in the outer wing tanks, crew bailed out. The B-17 crashed West of Seibersbach/Hunsruck, 15 km W of Bingen, Germany. |
Jolet, Joe I | F/O | Co-Pilot | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-1945 shot down by Me-262 MIA
National Archives information can be seen clicking here |
Kader, Raymond A | 1st Lt | Navigator | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned |
Kathary, Raymond D | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Kazmouz, Joseph H | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW, 22-Jan-44 orders show MOS as Flgt Eng |
Kenney, Paul E | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Ketcham, Robert L | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Kinney, Robert C | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down flak |
Kohr, Paul T | 1st Lt | Pilot | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, Survived. Hit by flak over Ruhland and lost altitude. Left formation near the RP and was seen heading East at 1225h, presumably to Russian lines. The Squadron Air Leader attempted in vain to contact the B-17 by VH |
Kolb, Edward L | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW |
Kremler, Frank J | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Kulichefsky, Philip K | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Lamason, Clarence M | 1st Lt | Pilot | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Lamborn, Hugh L | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Larkin, Mayo I | F/O | Navigator | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Layton, William H | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Lehmkuhl, Donald J | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 43-38596 | 837 | 20-Feb-45, shot down, blown out in explosion, POW |
Leo, Orland D | Sgt | Radio Operator | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Lewis, Ernest | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Patches | 836 | 10-Apr-1945, shot down by Me-262, POW, flew that day with Hauenstein crew, wife Marjorie |
Lindquist, Bertram | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 44-8746 | 837 | 15-Mar-45, shot down, POW |
Litka, Raymond L | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW, attended 2011 Savannah |
Lopez, George E | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Lordi, William T | T/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany. Middle initial may be "P" |
Lowe, John E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, POW |
Loy, John P | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Marinello, Guy H | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-1945 shot down by Me-262 POW |
McBride, Charles A | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW |
McCullough, Floyd W | 1st Lt | Pilot | 43-38596 | 837 | 20-Feb-45, POW, hit by flak, blown out in explosion, wife Elaine |
McGinn, Clarence H | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW |
McIntyre, Howard W | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
McKinney, James R | 2nd Lt | Navigator | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Meek, Lowell E | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Meier, Robert R | 1st Lt | Co-Pilot | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Meyer, Richard J | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 44-6290 | 836 | 9-Nov-44, shot down over Saarbrucken, POW -- Email dick1019@interaxs.net doesn't seem to work |
Meyers, Roy C | Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-6305 | 838 | 12-Sep-44 Lost one engine between Bremen and Hamburg and fell behind the formation; Pilot radioed he would meet again at the rendez-vous point. Near Kassel he called: 2 engines out. When the 3rd became inoperative all the crew bailed out. Landed in enemy held territory, POW |
Michael, George R | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | Liberty Belle | 836 | 30-Sep-44, shot down POW |
Millard, William | Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW, Serial # might be 39100980, but National Archives has 19100980 |
Moore, Richard A | Sgt | Togglier | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Jul-44, wounded on Borchert crew. Aircraft crashed on approach to Lavenham with battle damage. 17-Mar-45 shot down POW
17-Mar-45, shot down, survived |
Moore, Walter W | 1st Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived |
Moser, James L | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Nance, Lloyd A | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Narthaler, John J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Nyland, Harry T | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Oakman, Jack H | F/O | Bombardier | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down flak |
Ong, Henry | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW, wounded in thigh by flak.. Got this email from Ivo's contact list, I'm guessing he is this Henry Ong |
O'Steen, Bramlett F | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 43-39108 | 839 | 3-Mar-45, shot down by Me-262, POW |
Ovial, Angelo | Sgt | Radio Operator | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Owens, Harold E | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Lazy Lady | 838 | Shot down - 11-May-44 blown clear in explosion of aircraft, POW |
Parker, Cecil P | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW |
Parr, Cyrus G | Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Peak, William W | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 42-98013 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Pelletier, Arthur J | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, POW |
Perrot, Edward T | 1st Lt | Pilot | Sweat Box | 838 | 29-Dec-44, crashed near Bitburg/Eifel, Germany, returned. |
Peters, John D | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Peyton, James J | 1st Lt | Bombardier | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW Stalag Luft #1 |
Pflieger, Clifford E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Blonde Bomber | 837 | 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Phillips, George D | S/Sgt | Togglier | Miss Virginly | 837 | Shot down 10-Apr-45, Me262, flying that day only with Ted Sell 'Queen of Hearts' |
Pierce, Kelvin H | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Pilcher, John E | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Poindexter, Oliver W | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-1945 shot down by Me-262 POW |
Pointon, Floyd R | Sgt | Flight Engineer | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW |
Polifka, George G | Sgt | Radio Operator | 44-8746 | 837 | 15-Mar-45 shot down, POW |
Price, Milton O | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-38141 | 839 | 26-Nov-44, plane downed, POW, http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/harford/bal-md.ob.ha.price06aug06,0,5292567.story |
Pusey, Leroy E | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Reed, David D | Captain | Air Leader | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Reeder, Robert G | Captain | Pilot | Box Car | 839 | 15-Mar-45, flying Air leader on 44-8746, shot down, POW |
Regan, James W | S/Sgt | Navigator | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Rentfro, Clifton E | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Reynolds, Norris T | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Rhett, William H | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW |
Richmond, George M | Major | Pilot/Air Leader | 44-8808 | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262 POW, Air leader on this mission listed as Pathfinder operations officer in Blue book. Appears to have been 839th Sqd in original deployment |
Richter, Alfred H | 1st Lt | Navigator | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, evaded according to MACR. National Archives however states he was POW |
Ritchhart, Warren H | 1st Lt | Bombardier | 43-37877 | 836 | 30-Nov-44, shot down, POW |
Roberts, John W | Captain | Co-Pilot | Blow Job | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44 |
Robinson, Luther O | S/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Ross, Albert L | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 42-95217 | 838 | 20-Jun-44, Shot down, bailed out, POW at Mecklenheide near Hanover, remainder of crew killed in crash. |
Ross, John F | Sgt | Gunner | 42-52609 | 836 | 2-Jul-44, shot down, POW |
Rowe, Donald F | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Picadilly Lilley | 837 | 6-Feb-45, bailed out, POW |
Sahlstrom, Hubert B | Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Schlotte, Harvey F | T/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-38888 | 839 | Only survivor of Miss Q, shot down March '45 over Hamburg, Sugarman crew. Name spelled Schotte in one case, found in National Archives POW records, has Serial # as listed |
Schwab, Floyd | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Box Car | 839 | 7-Jun-44, Shot down, POW. Aircraft received a direct flak hit and went into a steep. Exploded within 1 minute, both wings separated and fuselage broke up. Two burning chutes were seen. Crash site, Bruz. |
Schwarzin, Kurt H | 2nd Lt | Pilot | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, Hit by flak over target. Peeled off with no 3 and 4 engines smoking and lost + 3000 ft. altitude. Pilot asked for escort to reach allied lines. The crew later bailed out. The aircraft crashed and burned near Wittlich, 30 km NE or Trier, Germany. |
Scott, Frank G | Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 42-98013 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Sell, Edward L | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Shepard, Henry M | 2nd Lt | Pilot | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Shields, J C | 2nd Lt | Pilot | Blonde Bomber | 837 | Flew 29 missions, 25-Nov-44, shot down, POW Stalag Luft #1 |
Siegel, Melvin | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | Box Car | 839 | 7-Jun-44, shot down, POW, Schwab crew |
Singer, Sidney O | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-38988 | 839 | 9-Feb-45, hit by flak bailed out, POW |
Smith, Paul J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, flak, POW |
Smith, Stanley G | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, shot down, POW |
Snyder, Solomon | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Queen of Hearts | 837 | 10-Apr-45, shot down by Me262, bailed out, POW |
Sorrell, Gordon M | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | 44-6463 | 839 | 28-Sep-44, POW. Hit by flak. The B-17 was abandoned by the crew and crashed at Naherstille, 4 km SE of Schmalkalden, Germany |
Spaid, Ora | 2nd Lt | Navigator | 44-6305 | 838 | 12-Sep-44 Lost one engine between Bremen and Hamburg and fell behind the formation; Pilot radioed he would meet again at the rendez-vous point. Near Kassel he called: 2 engines out. When the 3rd became inoperative all the crew bailed out. Landed in enemy held territory, POW |
Sprock, Richard M | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-39173 | 838 | 17-Mar-45, shot down, survived, 1-Mar-44 orders show MOS as Radio Mechanic |
Stemple, Omar D | 1st Lt | Pilot | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Stone, William L | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Summerlin, Conrad P | 2nd Lt | Co-Pilot | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
Taber, John D | S/Sgt | Gunner-Nose | 43-37805 | 837 | 6-Aug-44, shot down, POW, Ivo/book has him as flt Eng |
Taft, Kay S | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | 43-38596 | 837 | 20-Feb-45, POW, hit by flak, bailed out |
Toole, James M | T/Sgt | Flight Engineer | Starduster | 837 | 28-May-44, crew abandoned aircraft POW, flying Starduster |
Vale, Arthur L | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | | 837 | |
Valentine, James A | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-8746 | 837 | 15-Mar-45, shot down, POW |
Vratny, Frank | 1st Lt | Pilot | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | 11-May-44 shot down POW |
Walker, LaVerne D | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Forever Amber | 836 | 10-Apr-1945 shot down by Me-262 POW |
Warner, James L | 1st Lt | Pilot | 43-38008 | 839 | 15-Oct-44, Hit by Flak and no 2 engine on file. When number 1 and 4 had to be feathered crew bailed out. The B-17 spun down in flames and crashed in Rieserhof near the village Schnellenbach at the railway to Overath, approx 22km east of Cologne. Warner -POW |
Watson, John P | S/Sgt | Gunner-Ball Turret | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11May-44 POW |
Wechsler, Stanley I | 1st Lt | Mickey operator | 44-8121 | 836 | 24-Dec-44, shot down, bailed out, survived
8-Apr-45, shot down bailed out, survived (flying 44-8547) POW |
Weeks, Homer A | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Starduster | 837 | 28-May-44, crew abandoned aircraft POW flying Starduster. National Archives records shows this name in OK |
Weisman, Kenneth W | Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Our Baby | 838 | 14-Jan-45, POW, crashed into the church at the border of the village Rhode, 21 km east of Brunswick. All crew bailed out, survived. |
West, Arthur J | S/Sgt | Radio Operator | 43-37858 | 836 | 5-Nov-44, shot down, flak |
Wetzel, Francis J | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | Yankee Maid | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down POW, Also served on Timko crew |
Wickman, Norman H | S/Sgt | Gunner-Waist | 44-8563 | 838 | 14-Jan-45, shot down, POW |
Wilson, Donald E | Captain | Lead Navigator | Peg O' My Heart | 838 | Shot down 11-May-44, POW 6-Jun-44 |
Wolyn, Monroe S | S/Sgt | Gunner-Tail | 43-37980 | 839 | 25-Aug-44, POW received direct flak hit over the target and immediately exploded in mid-air after bombs away. Crashed just north of target in Muritz Lake near Boek |
Zalneraitis, Vitold A | 2nd Lt | Bombardier | Heavenly Body | 836 | 30-Sep-44, crashed POW |