Application for membership in 487th Bomb Group (H) Association Your information: Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country: _____________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email: ____________________________ What is your connection with the 487th Bomb Group (H) 1. _____ Veteran of the 487th? 2. _____ Descendent/family to a 487th member? 3. _____ Friend of the 487th? Information about someone in the 487th, you, your relative or friend. Name: ___________________________________________________ Relationship (Father, husband, self, etc.): _________________ Squadron: ____________ Served from:__________ To: __________ Job: ____________ Aircraft name/number: _______________ Others on your crew, in squadron (air and/or ground crew): Name Job ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ Print this form and send it through the mail with your annual dues Yearly Dues: $20.00(US). Members receive correspondence about the group, reunions, etc. Send to: 487th Bomb Group (H) Association Mr. Lee Hauenstein, Treasurer 4 Masefield Rd Nashua, NH 03062 USA (603)888-5829 |