487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45
Search the 487th Bomb Group Web Site
Want to find something on the 487th Bomb Group web site? Your name, a crewmate, aircraft name or tail number?
Here you can search for a name, or other word on the web site.
Type the word (or words) you are looking for. When you have done that, click the button that says
"Google Search". If anything is found on the 487th web site you will see that list on your screen. Click each link to see
what you've found.
Another thing you can do. UNcheck the box in front of "search 487th web site". This will do a
normal search of the web.
Search the web for 487th Bomb Group Information
487th Bomb Group Search # 1 |
Click on this link to use GOOGLE to search the "web" for references to the 487th Bomb Group. Some things you find may already be in the list below, but there will be many others. The reason there are 2 LINKS here is that these Search "Engines" may provide different results. |
487th Bomb Group Search # 2 |
Click on this link to use BING to search the "web" for references to the 487th Bomb Group. Some things you find may already be in the list below, but there will be many others. The reason there are 2 LINKS here is that these Search "Engines" may provide different results. |
487th Bomb Group Search # 3 |
Click on this link to use GOOGLE to search the "web" for references to the 487th Bomb Group that are new in the last year. |
487th Bomb Group Search # 4 |
Click on this link to use GOOGLE to search the "web" for references to the 487th Bomb Group that are new in the last month. |