487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Shepard Crew - 839th Squadron
Back row L to R: S/Sgt Philip Kulichefsky (flight engineer), 2nd Lt Henry Detwiler Jr. (copilot), 2nd Lt Lloyd A. Nance (navigator), S/Sgt Leroy E. Pusey (tail gunner)
Front row L to R: 2nd Lt Henry M. Shepard (pilot), S/Sgt Herbert F. Chase (radio operator), Sgt Robert L. Baldwin (ball turret gunner), S/Sgt Sam Herrera Jr. (togglier/nose gunner)
Photo evidently taken 22-Jan-45
(photo from National Archives, to Ivo de Jong, crew idenification by Henry Detwiler)

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