487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Wentz Crew - 838th Squadron
Back row-L to R: 1/Lt Donald S. McQueen (co-pilot), 2/Lt William B. "Budd" Wentz (pilot), 2/Lt Robert M. Boyer (navigator)
Front row-L to R: S/Sgt Zoltan J. Barczy (waist gunner), T/Sgt Jerome H. Carson (radio operator), T/Sgt Harold C. Johansson (flight engineer), S/Sgt Robert C. Jewell (tail-gunner), Sgt Edwin H. Hanford (aerial gunner), S/Sgt John A. Robbins (ball turret gunner)
Most in this crew were involved in a midair collision with an Me-109 on 7-Apr-45. The aircraft and all the crew survived, crash landing in St. Trond Belgium. It was later determined that this Me-109 was part of the Rammkommando Elbe a Luftwaffe group tasked with performing deliberate suicidal attacks on allied aircraft.
(photo provided by Craig Jewell, son of Robert Jewell)

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