487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Shepard Crew - 839th Squadron
Sgt George F. Benoodt is fourth from the left in the front row. He was killed on December 31, 1944 while flying with the crew of Lt Robert Kraker.
In this picture, taken at Ardmore, Oklahoma, he is posing with the original crew of Lt Henry Shepard (standing at left). All of the others in this picture, except Lt Wallace J. Stephens Jr (bombardier, standing at right), were captured after bailing out of their B-17 on February 9, 1945. [Leroy E. Pusey]
(Photo from page 209 of 'The History of the 487th Bomb Group (H)' by Ivo de Jong. Used with permission.)

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