487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Munson Crew - 837th Squadron
Back row L to R: 1st Lt Harold E. McDougall (navigator), 2nd Lt Francis W. Moan (bombadier), 1st Lt Richard M. Munson,(pilot), 2nd Lt Thomas C. Valentine (copilot)
Middle row: All unknown
Front row L to R: Sgt William C. Dunham (ball turret gunner), unknown
The "unknowns" in the photo are believed to be: T/Sgt Noal E. Sitz (flight engineer), T/Sgt Winslow W. Kinzel (radio operator), S/Sgt Keith L Paden (waist gunner), S/Sgt Theodore Perkowski (waist gunner)
Photo taken in Herrington, Kansas prior to overseas deployment
(Photo provided by Tim Dunham, son of William Dunham)

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