487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Hoddinott Crew - 839th Squadron
L to R,standing: 1st Lt Ken Hoddinott (Pilot), 2nd Lt Konrad M.Richter(CoPilot), S/Sgt.John H.Cash (Eng.TT), Sgt Walter H.Crowley(Radio). 2nd Lt James C.Davis (Navigator), 2nd Lt Marvin McMillan,Jr.(Bombardier)
Front kneeling: S/Sgt Robert Weisberg (A,Tog), Sgt Grant E.Smith (W.Gunner), Sgt Herbert Bell(Gunner-Ball Turret), Sgt James L.Fisk (Gunner-tail)
(Photo provided by Ken Hoddinott)

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