Fuller Crew - 836th Squadron
Back row L to R: 1st Lt. John C. Broom (bombaradier), 2nd Lt.Neil E. Brown (navigator), 2nd Lt. Wilburn E. Furr (copilot), 2nd Lt. Edgar Lee Fuller (pilot)
Center L to R: S/Sgt. Willard A. Green (tail-gunner), Sgt. Frederick E. Hernly (gunner), S/Sgt. Hudie E. Graves (ball-turret gunner)
Front row L to R: S/Sgt. Arthur Massey (radio operator), S/Sgt. Hewitt J. Dickenson (flight engineer) T/Sgt. Charles E. Tigh (gunner)
(photo provided by John W. Broom, son of John Broom, bombardier)
(Identification supplied by Charles Tigh)