487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

DeSelms crew - 839th Squadron
Back Row (L to R): Millard F. McMurray (waist gunner), William E. Morris Jr (engineer-top turret gunner), S/Sgt Robert W. Turner (nose gunner-togglier), T/Sgt Sabatine J. Branco (radio operator), Jack A. Carlson (tail gunner), Anthony B. Calega (ball turret gunner)
Front Row (L to R): 2nd Lt Ray M. Voss (copilot), 1st Lt Roy V. DeSelms (pilot), 2nd Lt Cedric A. Ackerson (navigator)
(Photo provided by Richard G. Branco, additional/same photo and identifications by Anthony Calega)

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