2nd Lt Ole B. Bennedsen Crew - 839th Squadron
Back row (L to R): 2nd Lt Ole B. Bennedsen (pilot), 2nd Lt Jack H. Eaton (co-pilot), 2nd Lt William S. Roden (bombardier), S/Sgt Charles M. Ellenbecker (radio operator), S/Sgt Roedwyn "Buck" Dormer (waist gunner), 2nd Lt Donald P. Foley (navigator)
Front row (L to R): T/Sgt William E. Beaith (tail gunner), S/Sgt Vern L. Ridgley (flight engineer), S/Sgt Lester M. Varner (ball-turret gunner)
Photo evidently taken 7-Jan-45
(photo from National Archives, to Ivo de Jong, identities supplied by Barbara Reid, daughter of Varner)