487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Balfrew crew and B-24H Rough Riders (possibly #42-52771)
Back row (L to R): S/Sgt Joseph C. Fratalone (radio operator), Sgt Leroy E. Sparks (ball turret gunner), 2nd Lt Franklin E. Wicks (bombardier), 1st Lt William E. Colburn (copilot), L. Cunningham (waist gunner)
Front row (L to R): ‘Whitey’ (crew chief), 1st Lt Francis D. Kelly (navigator), Cpl Harry R. Shertinger (tail gunner), S/Sgt Doyle R. Roberts (engineer), 2nd Lt Ernest F. Balfrey
On the mission of May 29 Sparks and Roberts accounted for an enemy fighter probably destroyed
(photo provided by Ernest Balfrey to Ivo de Jong)

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