487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Photo History of the 487th Bomb Group

Ivo de Jong, Paul Webber and Lee Hauenstein with the help of many 487th crew members, family and friends have worked to publish the "Photo History of the 487th Bomb Group (H)".

This is a companion volume to the original "History of the 487th Bomb Group (H)" by Ivo de Jong. It is 292 pages contains more than 600 photographs, and will fit on your bookshelf with the same profile as the earlier book.

To order a copy (For shipment in the US) send Lee a check (made out to him) for $47.00 for each copy, to the following address. This covers $40.00 for the book and $7.00 shipping and handling. Send any questions by email by clicking here, or sending an email to LCH_NH@comcast.net.

Note: If you want a book shipped somewhere other than the US, please send me an email with the location and I will check on current shipping fees. It seems fees have changed recently. Shipping one recently to Germany cost approximately $63 just for the shipping!

     Lee Hauenstein
     4 Masefield Road
     Nashua, NH 03062

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