487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45
487th Photos from unknown photographer
Provided to us by Drew Jaworsky with help from his wife Karen
Here is the interesting story about how Drew came upon these photos!
A first note from Drew:
My name is Drew and I have come across a roll of film from WW II.
Tail code on one plane is Square P.
The number 338045 is under the P.
The number 0 is under that number.
There is also a photo of formation B17's. The closest plane has tail
code Square P. Under that is the number 338008. Under that is the
letter R.
There is an RS on the fuselage.
I would like to identify this unit and crew. I have more film being
developed. Maybe someone would be interested in having these photos.
If anyone is interested, I would be glad to send the photos to you.
I hope to hear from someone.
I replied to Drew asking how he had come across these photos and saying these were possibly photos of a crew and or plane from the 839th squadron. He then replied as follows:
There are pictures of the men so maybe someone will be able to ID them.
This roll of film belonged to an ex-marine who served and was wounded at Iwo
Jima. He lived to his late 70's. I was given this film by a mutual friend.
It has been in my desk drawer for several years because I forgot about it. When
I came across it I tried to have it developed and nobody wanted to do it because
of the age of the film and because it was wound too tight. A friend of mine who
is a professional photographer, knew of a connection in Detroit who used a
special process to develop these photos. All of this took some time. Last
week my friend was able to make 6 copies from a disk so when I get the rest of
the photos I will send them to you.
So, can anyone help with identification?